
seedless watermelons howell farming company

Seedless Watermelons

According to the USDA, watermelon has 46 calories per cup, which is 20 percent of your daily intake of vitamin C and 17 percent vitamin A.

Watermelon is full of lycopene, a powerful carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables a pinkish red color.

Watermelon is a fruit and a vegetable. It can be traced back to the squash, pumpkin, and cucumber family known as Cucurbitaceae.

Watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the US, followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.
Watermelon is also more than 91 percent water, according to the USDA.

Don’t forget to store your watermelon in a cool area (50-60 degrees F) until it’s ready to be cut.

Did you know North Carolina produces roughly 6% of all watermelon grown in the United States?

Our Process

At Howell Farming Company we produce nutritious and delicious seedless watermelons. Take a look at our unique process.

sprout seed watermelon howell farming


In March we plant seeds in trays. The plants will be raised in our greenhouse until they are large enough to be transplanted to the field.

plant watermelon howell farming


Howell Farming Co. watermelons are planted in rows on raised beds. Plastic mulch is used to warm the soil and decrease weed growth.

transplant watermelon howell farming


Plants are transplanted to the field in late May. Workers ride a setter, placing each seedless watermelon plant in the row by hand. The workers walking behind the setter are planting seeded varieties, which are needed for pollination.

vine watermelon howell farming


Within 60 days of transplanting, the vines produce the first watermelons.

harvest watermelon howell farming


Vines can grow 6-8 feet during the season. Our watermelons are ready for harvest around July 4th and continue to be harvested until September.

dig sweet potato howell farming


The rind is not tough so watermelons are hand-picked. Workers cut each ripe melon from the vine and carefully load them on a trailer in the field.

watermelon wash plant howell farming


Watermelons are taken to our central packing shed where they are washed, graded and packed based on size.

watermelon bin package howell farming


Most watermelons are packed in bins that hold between 35 and 60 melons. The bins are shipped to grocery stores, schools and other markets.

enjoy watermelon eat howell farming


Watermelon is nutritious and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways during the summer.

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